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John Leland Jones: The American Dream Exhibit Opening

Friday, March 21, 2025

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Ralph Foster Museum At College Of The Ozarks, Point Lookout, MO, 65726
Free for this event only!

Gallery Talk on Jones' work (an Ozark native) and reception to follow.

More Information (Branson4u 98.1 is not responsible for external websites)

What images do you see when you think about the “American Dream”? Maybe a new convertible or a shiny appliance comes to mind. Now think about the feeling you associate with the American Dream. Is it nostalgic? Sentimental? Joyous? This simple phrase transcends the American past, influences the present, and challenges our future. An artist who experienced the whirlwind of the materialistic Dream and the thoughtfulness of it in later years is John Leland Jones. Born in 1902, Jones lived through the many valleys and hill tops of the American Dream and expressed those perceptions through his artwork. As Jones reacted to the American Dream in his illustrations, he also directly shaped the Dream by creating visuals that sparked America’s imaginations of what they could achieve. Those living in the Ozarks experienced a similar whirlwind as they lived through physical and economic challenges and yet dreamed of a brighter future. Come experience the American Dream through the eyes of John Leland Jones and perhaps you will see the Dream in a different light.


Ralph Foster Museum At College Of The Ozarks
1 Cultural Court
Point Lookout, MO

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