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2024 Taney County Partnership Year End Report Highlights

Jobs are up compared to last year, but Branson still has goals to meet, according to the 2024 Taney County Partnership Year End Report.

Jonas Arjes delivered the overview to Branson's aldermen on Tuesday night. Four projects were announced last year, 287 new jobs were created. Those are increases compared to 2022. He also touched on changes in business in the city.

Arjes said the trend shows project activity slowing down, and that change in pace continues into this year. For instance, active projects were just slightly higher in 2022. That's also the case with total new projects and the number of new businesses.

While that sounds bad, Arjes attributes it to national economics for now. Later, Branson Mayor Larry Milton expressed concern over the downward move in jobs.

He pushed the idea of a year-round economy. The benefit isn't that challenges will cease but decrease.

Near the end of his presentation, Arjes talked about affordable housing. More was discussed in the presentation.

The full presentation is online.

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