Faith Lutheran Church in Branson is excited to share the real meaning of Christmas by presenting “A Night of Nativity: A narrated Outdoor Living Nativity” from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening, Dec. 15. Park your car and walk around, or drive-by, either way is a true family experience.
“Last year we expanded our production by adding a meaningful narration and movement of the actors. It was so well received, we are excited to present that format again this year. It’s just one night to put aside commercialism and focus back on what the real meaning of Christmas is and remember why we celebrate it, that’s what we’re trying to create for people with this Live Nativity " Gina Brandt, event coordinator said.
Along with the Living Nativity, all who attend will be able to enjoy narration of the flow of events. There will be complimentary gift bags, while supply lasts, to adults and children, along with complimentary coffee or hot chocolate provided by Mochas and Meows. This is the second year the folks at Mochas and Meows have donated their services and products to help make this one night a year even more special, a special thanks from all of us at Faith Lutheran Church.
Be sure to come Inside and see our beautiful, remodeled sanctuary and narthex. Enjoy our hand bell choir throughout the evening, and personal Nativity Scenes, from our members, displayed for all to view. From life size, to miniature, they are all as special as the meaning itself.
Whether this Christmas is a joyous one, or may even be challenging, you are invited to come into our sanctuary that will be open to all for personal quiet time, to turn any problems over to God and ask for comfort, hope and peace. Traditional Christmas carols will be playing, and sing a-longs, that just may take you back to places in your memory – singing the same songs as a child at Christmas.
“There’s always such a hustle and bustle in town, but when you walk down the path of the hundreds of luminaries leading to the Manger it’s really impactful. It’s an opportunity to just put aside all the craziness. There is something different about seeing it live that really changes your attitude about Christmas. You just have to experience it to know how it feels. We all take our kids to see Santa, maybe this year will be the first time for many to see a living nativity” Gina added. The nativity will include a camel and donkey. One of my favorite pieces of trivia to share is the significance of the donkey, every donkey on its back has a darker patch of fur shaped in a cross going down its spine and over its shoulder blades, according to legend, donkeys have that because Christ rode a donkey his last time into Jerusalem before his crucifixion, so now each donkey has a cross on its back to remind us of Jesus Christ.”
Make the most of this wonderful season, gather your friends, family, neighbors, or church groups, and come experience the true meaning of Christmas. Everyone is invited to reflect on the many things God has done for us and remember his humble beginnings and how he came into this world. It teaches us such an important lesson. It’s our gift from Faith Lutheran to our friends and families of Branson, and the surrounding area.
A Night of Nativity: An Outdoor Living Nativity” from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening, Dec. 15. Faith Lutheran Church is located at 221 Malone St, just off the hospital round-a-bout in Branson. You can drive by, or stop in, we’d love to share the true meaning of Christmas with all. For more information call 417-334-2469 or check us out at www.facebook.com/faithlutheranbranson or www.faithbranson.org.