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Aldermen Hear Proposal to Change Code Pertaining to Multi-Family Dwelling

Tuesday night's board of aldermen meeting included a hearing about multi-family living spaces.

Branson's Acting Planning & Development Director Amanda Ross stated that the department staff suggests changing chapter 94 of the city's code "to exclude multi-family dwellings in the entertainment district."

Ross said that the staff singled out three parts of the code worth changing; these were pointed out based on inconsistency. The first one focuses on the third article in the code. Section 94-45 would explicitly state that multi-family usage isn't allowed in the distract.

Section 94-34 also faces possible change. Ross purposed that Table 94-48.1 change so as to remove such dwellings from the district.

The final purposed change aims at Table 94-60.1. Altering that table would stop allowing these types of dwellings to enjoy use in the district in discussion.

Alderman Ralph LeBlanc explained that the effort to change the code is safety driven. The full meeting is available online.

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