Branson Fire Rescue is joining area Firefighters in urging all residents and visitors to celebrate safely and legally when discharging fireworks.
Fires and injury are common when fireworks are misused. According to a press release, “fireworks may be discharged in the City of Branson on July 3 and July 4 from 7 a.m. to midnight.” (NOTE: Fireworks Ordinances vary in the region. Check local regulations for exact locations and times Fireworks may be discharged).
Branson Fire Chief Ted Martin spoke about reading the labels of fireworks and being safe. “We encourage residents to follow instructions on the label of all the different types of fireworks. Fireworks should also never be held in the hand and safety glasses should always be used. It takes just seconds of ‘fun’ to lose an eye, cause burns or a traumatic injury,” Martin said.
Children under the age of five are injured by sparklers which account for three-quarters of all fireworks injuries. “They often grab the wrong part, which can reach 1,800 degrees. Fireworks also cause thousands of fires each year across the nation. Lighters, matches and projectile type fireworks are the leading causes of fires during the Fourth of July holiday.”
The City Fire Rescue gave several safety tips including: Always purchase fireworks from reliable fireworks stands that sell only Class C (common) or 1-4.G fireworks, fireworks activities should always be done under the close supervision of an adult, never point fireworks at another person, use fireworks only in a clear area outside away from buildings and vehicles, never shoot fireworks in a metal or glass container, light only one item at a time and move away quickly and always keep a water source close such as buckets of water or a garden hose to cool used fireworks completely and to extinguish any small fires.
“To date there are four permitted fireworks stands in Branson for the 2021 season located in the parking lots of the Branson Walmart, Walmart Supercenter, Price Chopper and Country Mart. Branson Fire Rescue has issued three commercial fireworks displays at the Branson Landing and Treasure Lake Resort on July 3 and Chateau on the Lake on July 4.” For more information on Fireworks in Branson, visit the City’s website.
(Story by JonChristopher Collins)