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Bass Pro Officials Give Presentation on Dogpatch Property

Bob Ziehmer from Bass Pro Shops, provides a presentation on Marble Falls Nature Park. (Photo from Arkansas Department of Agriculture Facebook Page)

The Buffalo River Conservation Committee meeting in Jasper earlier this week provided some information on the future of the former Dogpatch Property in Newton County.

According to a post on the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Website, Conservation Director for Bass Pro Shops  Bob Ziehmer provided a presentation on Marble Falls Nature Park which would be located at the former Dogpatch, U.S.A. 400 acre site purchased last year by Bass Pro Founder Johnny Morris. 

According to a story in the Newton County Times that was posted on the City of Harrison's Facebook Page, the presentation included information on the specifics of the park which would be similar to the Dogwood Canyon Nature Park owned by Bass Pro in Stone County Missouri near Lampe. 

More information on the specifics presented at the meeting can be found in the Harrison Daily Times, Newton County Times, or the City of Harrison Facebook Page.

(Story co-written by Coleman Taylor)



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