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Bobcat Rescued, Relocated to Turpentine Creek

A 12-year-old bobcat now has a new home in the Ozarks after a 500-mile road trip.

The story below is by Carrie Winchel, Ozarks First:

Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs received a call about the animal after its owner was killed in an accident. The man’s spouse could not take care of the bobcat and the call went out to any sanctuary that cares for smaller cats.

Turpentine Creek had room for Santana the bobcat, so the president and vice president of the sanctuary made the trip to Geuda Springs, Kansas to pick Santana up and bring her to Arkansas.

Santana had been spayed and her front claws were removed. Before heading to Arkansas she had a checkup and was vaccinated against rabies. She was sharing her home with a domestic cat, and staff at the refuge are planning to take their time introducing Santana to other bobcats that are closer to her size.

Staff members at Turpentine Creek said Santana is very sweet and is settling in, even though she was at first surprised to see larger tigers as her neighbors.

Santana is the third rescue for Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge this year. The refuge takes in abandoned, abused and neglected big cats and has been operating for 30 years.


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