There is now a FEMA unit on site at the Boone County Government Center parking lot on 220 N. Arbor Drive in Harrison. Stop by to speak with a FEMA representative in person! Will be there until further notice.
There is now a FEMA unit on site at the Boone County Government Center parking lot on 220 N. Arbor Drive in Harrison. Stop by to speak with a FEMA representative in person! Will be there until further notice.
To the residents of Boone County or surrounding counties who were affected by the recent tornadoes, if you need assistance contact FEMA by visiting this site in person at the address listed above. You can also get assistance by visiting disaterassistance.gov or calling 1-800-621-3362. This is the registration process to get immediate financial assistance to help cover losses and damages to home and property. FEMA's disaster assistance offers benefits that provide flexible funding directly to Arkansas survivors when needed the most. You can also download the FEMA app on your mobile device. Money provided by FEMA is a grant and does not have to be repaid. Assistance may include: Serious needs, Displacement, Home Repair or Replacement, Rental Assistance, Personal Property, Child Care, Transportation, and Moving and Storage expenses.
FEMA is still going door to door to help register those who need assistance. A Disaster Recovery Area, fixed location, is being set up and once ready we will release that information to the public for a drop by site for people to meet with FEMA representatives. Right now, the mobile unit at the above address is available for those in person needs. FEMA employees will be carrying credentials and wearing a FEMA uniform (shirt or vest). FEMA funds will not cover anything that your home insurance will cover.
Small Business Association (SBA) will also be available to businesses and farmers who require assistance through a low-interest rate small business loan up to $200,000. For anyone who is affected with livestock needs, please contact the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Loren Teague at 1-501-351-3317 or Boone County Extension officer Cody Salmon at 1-870-741-6168.
The Boone County Road Department will start debris removal and will collect natural debris and household debris. However, these materials must be separated from each other. Items can be placed on the County right-of-way. Any questions, please contact Boone County Road Department at 870-741-8611 or Boone County Judge's Office at 870-741-5760.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the Boone County Office of Emergency Management at 870-741-2950 or 870-741-1632.
Saturday, June 8th at 8:00 A.M., there will be a community clean-up for the Valley Springs/Harmon area. If there are any volunteers, you can go to the Valley Springs High School at 8:00 A.M. to volunteer to help. Please do not wear shorts or open-toed shoes. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and donated items for our community. Everyone has come together in an incredible way to help the ones in need during this difficult time.