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Branson Administrator Named Southwest Missouri Distinguished Principal

BRANSON, MO (December 5, 2023) – The Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals has announced the 2024 Missouri Distinguished Principals.

Dr. Michelle Collins, Cedar Ridge Elementary principal, has been named the Missouri Distinguished Principal for the Southwest Region. Principal at CRE since 2012, she earned a Bachelor’s Degree from College of the Ozarks, a Master’s of Science Degree in Elementary Educational Administration from Southwest Baptist University, and a Specialist and Doctorate in Educational Administration from Lindenwood University.

The Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals (MAESP) Distinguished Principal of the Year award is open to administrators who have been a building principal for at least five years and set high standards for instruction, student achievement, character and climate for students, families and staff.

“I am grateful to lead a dedicated team of passionate educators daily,” says Dr. Collins. “This honor is a shared accomplishment, and I am confident that together, we will continue to achieve remarkable things for our students.”

Executive Director of Instruction, Dr. Mike Dawson says, “Dr. Collins exemplifies a steadfast commitment to education, community, and family. Her unwavering leadership continues to positively impact Branson Public Schools.”

Dr. Collins will be honored at the annual MAESP Leadership Conference in March 2024.

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The above press release is from Branson Public Schools.

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