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Branson Aldermen-Chamber Discussion Becomes Contentious

Photo by Jason Wert, Branson Tri-Lakes News

A recent meeting to discuss the City of Branson's Contract with the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce became intense on both sides.

The meeting, held on October 10, was a special meeting to discuss the Marketing contract between the two entities. Mayor Larry Milton presided with Aldermen Clay Cooper, Marshall Howden, and Ralph LeBlanc in attendance at City Hall while Ruth Denham joined the meeting virtually while Chamber President and CEO Jason Outman made a presentation on the Marketing Campaign. 

The discussion became an airing of the differences of opinions on the Marketing Campaign with the Board feeling it doesn't do enough to highlight the City's Values while Outman countered the goal of the plan was to promote what offerings the Branson-Lakes Area had to offer. There was also a discussion on how the Board felt "Ozark Mountain Christmas" was not prominent enough on the marketing side. 

Links to audio from the meeting plus a detailed recap from Jason Wert of the Branson Tri-Lakes News is below:

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