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Branson Candidate Event This Weekend

Voters in Branson will have another opportunity to learn about Alderman and School Board Candidates at an event this weekend.

The Branson U Organization will host a Candidate Forum at the Hughes Brothers Theater on Saturday at 1:00 pm.

Pearl Haining, a founder of Branson U and coordinator for the event, says during interviews on both KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program and "The Barber Shop" program on 981 Branson 4 U that the forum is an opportunity for people to learn information about the candidates. Haining says that voters can ask questions of the candidates but they must be submitted in advance. Haining also says that information already submitted by candidates for office can be found on the Branson U Website.

The complete interview with Pearl Haining from Ozarks Now can be heard below:

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