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Branson City Appointments Announced

The Branson Board of Alderman Meeting Tuesday night included Mayor Larry Milton annual appointments to various boards and committees.

While most of the citizen committee appointments will be made at the first meeting in May, due to the timing of electing leadership to the Planning Commission, those appointments were announced Tuesday night. Mayor Milton had presented Brad Gore, Gary Groman, and Daniel Mena for approval of the Board, however Alderman Ruth Denham asked the Rick Dejager be appointed instead of Mena. Denham said while this was nothing negative against the appointments Milton suggested, she said that Dejager's expertise would be valuable as the Planning Commission begins a detailed look at the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. After some discussion, the revised list of appointments were approved by the Board. 

Denham was appointed to continue as Alderman Representative to the Planning Commission while Marshal Howden was appointed Alderman Rep to the Advisory Park Board. Howden had been a Park Board Member prior to winning the Ward 1 Alderman Seat. 

Other appointments made Tuesday Night include: 
Taney County Partnership Chuck Rodriquez 
Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Rep Clay Cooper
Finance Committee: Ralph LeBlanc, Cody Fenton, Ruth Denham 
Human Resource Committee: Chuck Rodriquez, Ralph LeBlanc
Taney County Airport Board Ralph LeBlanc 
76 CID Board: Clay Cooper, Billy Ong 

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