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Branson Drag Show Ordinance Passes First Reading

Branson's Tuesday Board of Aldermen Meeting which included the First Reading of the Proposed Drag Show Ordinance. (Photo courtesy Ozarks First)

Ordinance regulating Drag Shows one step closer to becoming law.

Before a nearly full City Council Chamber Tuesday night, the Branson Board of Aldermen give first round approval to an ordinance that would restrict Drag Show Performances in the City to the Downtown area and would not allow them within a certain distance of churches, public parks, and schools. 

Ozarks First reports that public comment on the topic lasted over two hours and while most speakers oppose Drag Shows altogether, some speakers suggested people should not fear the performances that are geared for adult audiences. 
The ordinance will come up for a final reading at the August 8th Board meeting.

More information on the meeting can be found on the Ozarks First Website while the entire meeting can be seen on the City of Branson YouTube.

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