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Branson FFA Packs 12,848 Meals For Ozarks Food Harvest

Branson High School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) volunteered their time at the Ozarks Food Harvest in Springfield, Missouri. Serving 270 hunger-relief organizations across twenty-eight Ozark counties, Ozarks Food Harvest is the Feeding America food bank for southwest Missouri.

“We were invited to volunteer by the staff at Ozarks Food Harvest; they are currently having some challenges getting enough volunteers,” says Branson High School FFA Adviser, Nicole Crocker in a press release from the school. “I ran the idea by our chapter officers and they loved it, wanting to give back to those in need in our community.”

Students formed an assembly line to pack 18 pallets of boxed meals, specifically for senior citizens in need. Each kit included cereal, chicken, peanut butter, canned foods, powdered milk, rice and more. The meals are made in accordance with USDA standards for seniors. FFA members packed, weighed and loaded a total of 12,848 meals.

“As I looked down the row of FFA members working away, I had a moment that made my heart truly happy,” says Crocker. “It was a great feeling to see FFA members give up their evening to give back.” The Ozarks Food Harvest reaches nearly 50,000 individuals each month and provides more than 20 million meals annually.

(Branson School District Press Release)

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