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Branson Fire Chief Said the Origin of Local House Fire Traced to Kitchen and Above Ceiling

Branson Fire Chief Ted Martin told Ozarks DynaCom’s news department Friday that the origin of a local house fire has been traced to the kitchen area and above the ceiling.

Martin also said he thinks that the family should be able to salvage a lot of what was in the home during the fire. According to a post on the “Branson MO Fire-Rescue” Facebook Page, the fire displaced a family of four on the evening of April 27.

The post states that the crews that first arrived on the scene reported “flames through the roof on the back side of the home.” No one was home during the fire, but the post states that firefighters were “able to rescue two cats and a rabbit, however the family’s four dogs perished.”

Additionally, the fire hit the kitchen area up to the attic the hardest. The Facebook post also states the family includes two adults and “two small children.”

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