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Branson Fire Station 4 Dedicated, Put into Service

People gather for the dedication of Fire Station Four in the southwest section of Branson. (Photos by Scott McCaulley)

The City of Branson now has four fire stations covering the community.

Area leaders and community members attended the Dedication and Open House Wednesday for the three-bay facility that will cover the city's southwest area including Pointe Royale to the Table Rock Dam. Fire Chief Ted Martin, City Administrator Cathy Stepp, and Mayor Larry Milton spoke during the ceremony about the importance that increased response times to that area due to the fire station location on Champaign Blvd near Highway 165. 

The Fire Station was paid for by the Public Safety Tax that Branson Voters passed in 2017. Among the people present at the ceremony included former Alderman Dick Gass, who after leaving office spearheaded the campaign to get the tax passed as well as  Martin's predecessor as Fire Chief Carl Sparks.

A video of the ceremony along with an interview with Branson Ward 3 Alderman Ralph LeBlanc can be found on the Ozarks Now Facebook Page.   

The coverage areas of all four Branson Fire Stations with Station 4's area in Purple. 

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