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Branson High School to Host Annual College and Career Fair

BRANSON, MO (September 10, 2024) – Branson High School will host its annual College and Career Fair on October 2 from 6:00 until 7:30 p.m. in the Main Commons. This event offers a valuable opportunity for students to prepare for post-secondary life. Students and families are able to collect important information regarding college admission policies, financial aid and scholarships.

Representatives from 4-year colleges and universities, community colleges, branches of the military, and trade and technical programs will be in attendance. Additional information on taking the ACT exam, the A+ Program, Advanced Placement courses, the Dual Credit Program and the NCAA will also be available.

“There will be something for every student, no matter what their intended career or educational path may be after high school,” says BHS Counselor and College & Career Fair Coordinator, Sarah Loyd.

All students in grades 9-12, and their families, are encouraged to attend. High school students from neighboring school districts, including Hollister, Forsyth, School of the Ozarks, Bradleyville and Blue Eye are also welcome to attend the event. Families are strongly encouraged to pre-register by visiting


The above press release is from the College of the Ozarks.

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