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Branson Mayor Larry Milton Discusses Statement on Staff Changes, Other Issues on "Ozarks Now"

Branson Board of Alderman with Mayor Larry Milton (third from right) in File Photo from City of Branson

Branson Mayor Larry Milton stops by KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program for a discussion of several issues on Tuesday.

Among the items discussed was the statement Milton send to the Branson Tri-Lakes News last week that discussed changes coming to City Staff. Milton says that two staff members, including Assistant City Administrator and Community Development Director John Manning, have already turned in their resignations. Milton said neither one of those resignations were requested but were submitted recently. Though not mentioned during the interview, a special Board of Alderman Meeting has been called for this afternoon at 5:30 that will be an Executive Session to discuss Personnel. 

Milton did clarify one sentence in the release that said a plan was in place to deal with staff changes which Milton said meant they were beginning to put a plan in place. Milton said the goal whether with current or potential new staff members and directors is to collaborate with each other and elected officials to exchange information and ideas. 

Milton also said that one of the biggest challenges over the next year will be the continued commitment to improve affordable housing to help build up the work force to serve residents and visitors. 

The complete interview with Branson Mayor Larry Milton can be heard below:


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