Branson Mayor Larry Milton released his newsletter “For the People” on Sept. 10; Milton’s letter contains a recap on an ordinance, an update on finances.
A portion of Milton’s letter can be read below, edited for date references:
At the Board of Aldermen meeting on August 14, 2021, your Board of Aldermen voted to postpone the final reading of the Animal Ordinance, Bill 5872, with the intent of holding another Study Session on this topic in October. We have had two Study Sessions and three town hall meetings to get input from our community. This is an important issue, as it will have a significant impact on our community. We want to hear from you before any final decisions are made. Your Mayor and Board of Alderman truly do represent each and every one of you.
It has been reported that our city finances are short $1,200,000 to balance our budget for next year. Your Finance Committee and the Board of Alderman will hold several meetings to address this issue. I anticipate some tough decisions will need to be made to bring our finances into balance. I encourage anyone interested in our city finances to attend these meetings so you will understand what caused us to be in this situation and hear firsthand what we will need to do to bring your city back into budget. The next scheduled meeting we will be discussing this at is the regular monthly Finance Committee Meeting on September 17 at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall. As always these meetings are open to the public and will be streamed live at BransonMo.Gov/Livestream to be viewed as it happens or later at your own convenience. As a reminder, all City of Branson Board and Committee meetings can be found on the front page of our website, BransonMo.Gov, in the “All Meetings” calendar feature.
September 11, 2021, marks 20 years since the attack on the U.S. that started the War on Terror. As we lower our flags to half-staff and observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., we pause to honor the memory of the innocent people who were murdered by radical Islamist terrorists in the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001. This day is designated as Patriot Day and a National Day of Service and Remembrance. This day helps us remember that we are a strong and resilient nation. We all need to take a few moments to reflect on the nearly 3,000 innocent victims who died 20 years ago; New York, NY - American 11, United 1175, World Trade Center; Arlington, VA - American 77, Pentagon, Shanksville, PA - United 93. God Bless America.