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Branson Police Make Arrests in Two Major Cases

The Branson Police Department has made progress in a pair of investigations over the last few weeks.

An edited recap by Jason Wert of the Branson Tri-Lakes News is below:

In the first investigation, Branson patrol officers identified a pattern of break-ins of unoccupied vehicles on the south and west sides of the city. Items being taken from the vehicles included credit cards, tools, firearms, and personal documents. 

BPD obtained a search warrant for a motel on Highway 165, and executed a raid on the motel room on Friday, Jan. 5. Two people were arrested in the raid: Eric Rhoher, 33, of Branson, and Cheryl Sparks, 39, of Hollister.

In the second case, Branson police officers and detectives responded to a motel in the 3500 block of 76 Country Boulevard. According to a probable cause statement filed in Taney County Court, the officers were told by a woman  she was with her friend, Darius Alexander Smith, who confronted her about $400 cash, and demanded she give it to him. She refused to give Smith the money, at which point he pulled a gun and pointed it at her, again demanding she give him the money.

She told the investigators she removed cash from her bra and attempted to remove it from a small black bag. She said Smith took the bag and left. 

Smith was eventually located and taken into custody although he denies involvement in the case. 

Smith is currently in the Taney County Jail facing charges of first degree robbery, second degree trafficking drugs, and unlawful possession of a firearm. If convicted on all charges, Smith could be facing life in prison.

The full story on the cases can be found on the Branson Tri-Lakes News Website.

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