While the revision of the Animal Ordinance was planned to be the main topic at Thursday's Branson Aldermen Study Session, an issue about Police Pay and Staffing was brought to focus.
The discussion was part of the presentation that was on the agenda to discuss the Employee Compensation Plan which began the discussion that had Mayor Larry Milton and Aldermen Clay Cooper among others voicing concerns as did Assistant Police Chief Eric Schmitt. When Mayor Milton described the situation as "Crisis Mode" it drew a strong disagreement from former Police Chief and current City Administrator Stan Dobbins who claimed the department was not in crisis mode, but agreed that all city staff needs better compensation when possible. Finance Director Jamie Rouch added that the proposed budget coming before Aldermen next week does not have money to pay for a Compensation Plan.
For more on this story, check out additional reporting from Jacob Blount of Ozarks First and Jason Wert from the Branson Tri-Lakes News with the links below: