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Branson Police Warn of Scam

Branson's police took to Facebook to warn of a new scam involving packages and QR codes.

The full post is below:


The Branson Police Department wants to warn our community about a scam spreading across the country—the "brushing" scam.

A "brushing" scam involves receiving an unexpected package in the mail—often from retailers like Amazon or similar companies. Items may include rings, bracelets, necklaces, Bluetooth speakers, or other small gifts.

These packages are addressed to the recipient, but they won’t include any sender information or come from a recognizable retailer. Inside, a QR code may prompt the recipient to scan it to identify the sender. Do not scan the code! Scanning it could give scammers access to your phone, including all personal and financial information, potentially leading to drained bank accounts.

If you receive one of these packages, you can keep or dispose of the item, but never scan the QR code. Scammers often use similar QR code tactics in other places, like parking meters, so be cautious.

Share this warning with your family and friends to help them avoid falling victim to this scam!

The above was originally posted on the Branson Police Department's Facebook Page.

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