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Branson Sophomore Named FBLA National Social Media Ambassador

BRANSON, MO (September 27, 2022) – The National High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) have announced the officers for the 2022-23 school year. Branson High School sophomore, Clara Dean, has been named Social Media Ambassador, Videographer 1. Dean was selected from over 250 applicants nationwide.

The FBLA High School national officer team is supported through student leadership of National Councils. Each officer has a National Council focused on supporting their role within FBLA. The Social Media Ambassadors work with the national officer team to strategize social media content, produce graphics and videos, and maintain the social media accounts of the National Center and regions. In a recent social media post, the National FBLA said, “These individuals have proven to be dedicated leaders who are ready to serve our membership.”

As a National Council member, students have the opportunity to serve participants throughout the entire organization and make an impact on their membership experience. “The Social Media Ambassadorship provides a unique opportunity for students to make a visible impact at the national level and gain experience in a professional social media environment,” says Branson High School FBLA Adviser, Alisa Cornelison. FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs.

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