UPDATE ON FIRE AT SILVER DOLLAR CITY: Ozarks First Reporter Jacob Blount reports that the park will be closed for the rest of the day and officials at the park report no injuries.
Ozarks First also report that crews are still in the park working the fire at this time.
Original Story:
The Southern Stone County Fire Protection District has reported on their Facebook Page that units are responding to a fire at Silver Dollar City.
According to the post, the call came in just before 1:00 with units from both Branson and Western Taney County Fire also reporting to the scene. Initial reports indicated that the Pork Rind and Woodcarving Shops were on fire.
According to Silver Dollar City's Website, the park was scheduled to open at 1:00 however posts on the SSCFPD Facebook Page indicate that the park was being evacuated and the opening of the park has been delayed.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.