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Businesses Look To Expand Benefits, Support to Add and Keep Employees

Businesses around the country continue to look ways to help add and retain employees during a time that many people are electing not to work.

FOX News reports the Society for Human Resource Management’s annual benefits survey, discovered nearly 80% of organizations expanded options related to remote work in 2020. More than 2,500 HR professionals were polled, with data collected in fall 2020 and this spring.  Additionally, 43% expanded telemedicine benefits, 39% did the same for childcare leave, 27% for adult caregiving leave and 25% for mental health services. 

Businesses also are looking at other ways to help their employees. Dustin Jones with Central Bank of Branson says in a recent interview on KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program that their institution has helped businesses with some benefit programs including financial education to help manage their money and for younger employees, navigate aspects of personal finance for the first time. 

A portion of the Ozarks Now interview dealing with employer assistance can be heard below:

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