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Change Coming to Lakes Region in State Senate Representation

Whether current Lakes Area State Senator Mike Moon gets the nod as 7th District Congressman in the upcoming election, it appears the Lakes Region will have a new senate representation in 2023.

Tuesday, the Missouri Judicial Redistricting Commission filed their revised State Senate map with the Secretary of State's Office. In the map filed, Moon's 29th District drops Stone and Taney Counties and adds Christian County. Barry County will remain in the 29th District while Stone and Taney Counites will join Ozark County in the 33rd District represented by Karla Eslinger. 

Eslinger has represented part of the Lakes Region before, serving two years in the Missouri House with her District including parts of eastern Taney County. She left that seat in 2020 and successfully ran for the Senate. 

More on the story of the district change can be read at the Branson Tri-Lakes News Website with a link to the new senate map below: 

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