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Christian Singer Danny Gokey Helped Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents

Christian singer Danny Gokey helped Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents with some upgrades.

Amanda Chitsey from Three Wishes appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" to discuss Gokey's support. She explained that the singer's nonprofit group Better Than I Found It contacted Three Wishes. Gokey's group focuses on helping nonprofit groups improve by providing physical items or assistance.

Chitsey admitted that she thought the call from Gokey's team was a prank, but it was legitimate. They wanted to help Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents, and there was an obvious way they could do so.

Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents was dealing with a leaky roof. Chitsey said Gokey's organization worked quietly for about two months to prepare to come to Harrison.

She said they worked to find workers like a contractor and local businesses to complete the project. Over time, the singer got so warmed up to the people and project that he decided he wanted his children to join him in helping Three Wishes.

He brought his children to Harrison. Chitsey said including his children on his projects is something Gokey hadn't done before.

Later, Chitsey talked about meeting the singer, his wife and kids and watching them interact with others. More was discussed on the broadcast.

The full interview with Chitsey is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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