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City prepared and ready for winter weather events

Branson government is prepped for winter weather and possible impacts for roads; the full press release below provides all the details.

BRANSON, Mo – As winter approaches and the temperatures get lower, the City of Branson is prepared and ready for any winter weather that may impact the 250-lane miles of roadway inside city limits.

The City of Branson reminds residents to limit travel if possible when winter weather hits. If you have to be on the roads, make sure to slow down and give salt trucks and other City vehicles plenty of space to operate. 

The City of Branson began preparing for winter weather events in November when the snow plows and salt spreaders hold an annual winter weather training to practice snow routes and safety procedures. The City has a team that constantly monitors incoming weather. At the sign of any freezing precipitation, city plow drivers will immediately pretreat bridges and other high-priority areas. Street crews will work 24 hours a day, on rotating 12-hour shifts, on the City’s 10 different snow routes. Every city-owned street will get treated and cleared of snow.

The City has plenty of material to treat roads with two salt barns that, when full, have a combined total of 1,200 tons of material that includes road salt, rock chips and mixed material the city uses depending on the type of weather event. The City also has the ability to produce salt brine, beet juice and calcium chloride mixtures for pre-treating roadways. 

For more information about how the City of Branson prepares for winter weather and clears local roads, visit the Winter Weather Preparedness section on the City’s Public Works/Engineering section of its website, BransonMo.Gov or call 417-337-8559.



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