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City Releases Settlement Package for Stan Dobbins

The City of Branson on Friday released information on the compensation for former City Administrator Stan Dobbins after he was put on Administrative Leave by the Board of Aldermen ahead of his retirement.

The leave was approved by the Board in an Executive Session on April 19 but the compensation package was voted on in another Executive Session on April 22. Ozarks Dynacom did request and receive minutes of both meetings through a Sunshine Law request but the minutes did not reflect specifically who the compensation package was for, which was later clarified by the City in this release. 

The package includes payment equal to nine months of salary and some reimbursement from COBRA Insurance Cost. 

Alderman Marshall Howden, Cody Fenton, and Ralph LeBlanc all voted in favor of the agreement with Ruth Denham and Chuck Rodriquez voting against. Though not specified in the minutes, Alderman Clay Cooper had not vote recorded and was not believed to be at the meeting.  

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