Robert Stricklin of The Keeter Center and College of the Ozarks earned the 2022 Idaho Potato Commission Postsecondary Educator of the Year Award; the press release below provides more information.
POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — Robert Stricklin, executive chef of The Keeter Center and College of the Ozarks assistant professor of hospitality management, earned the 2022 Idaho Potato Commission Postsecondary Educator of the Year Award. The Idaho Potato Commission, along with the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (Café), selected Stricklin for his professional commitment to the education community and outstanding leadership skills.
Per the press release from Café, a top-notch instructor engages students, leads by example, and sets a tone of academic excellence in the classroom. Stricklin not only meets but exceeds these top demands of postsecondary educators.
The press release stated the following: “Stricklin’s students referenced his ability to passionately approach any topic with enthusiasm that was demonstrated in his voice and body language, ‘which makes for engaging and stimulating lectures.’ He inspires students by sharing stories from his professional experience. His anecdotes are often accompanied by a touch of humor and his descriptions contain advice and insight going far beyond a straight textbook lesson.”
One student described Chef Stricklin like this, “He is one of the most passionate and invested instructors I have ever had.” Another student said, “He leads by example when showing us how to set, achieve and maintain high standards of excellence.”
One example of the support Chef Stricklin shows students occurred when a student approached him for additional work in chocolate, pastillage, and sugar last year. He met with that student every day after class for an entire semester, providing the extra work she requested.
Beyond campus, Stricklin has participated since 2014 in the Harvest Moon Food Festival fundraising event for Price Cutter Charity Championship. He is one of six chefs that serve more than 285 guests with tasting items. Prior to COVID, the event generated $121,900 in revenue, representing over 13 percent of the charity’s total net revenue.
Stricklin’s goal is to provide the next generations with the skills they need to succeed.
The Postsecondary Educator of the Year award provided a cash prize and commemorative plaque. Additionally, Stricklin received a complimentary registration to attend CAFÉ’s June 2022 Leadership Conference held in Portland, Maine.
About Idaho Potato Commission
Since 1937, the Idaho Potato Commission has represented the growers, fresh shippers, and processors of fresh, frozen, dehydrated, and refrigerated 100 percent grown-in-Idaho potatoes. Idaho provides a unique combination of soil, weather and water to produce one-of-kind high solids, low moisture potatoes.
They supply 33 percent of all potatoes in the United States; the majority of which are russets. However, they have expanded to include a number of other types of potatoes including reds, yellows, and fingerlings. In 2021 alone, we produced over 13 billion pounds of Idaho® potatoes. The Idaho Potato Commission’s programs concentrate on providing training and educational materials, tips, and recipes to consumers, retailers, and foodservice operators.
About the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ)
Founded in 2002, CAFÉ’s mission is to link culinary educators with the foodservice industry. The organization provides up-to-date resources to foodservice educators who are training students for vibrant, fulfilling careers in the ever-evolving hospitality industry. CAFÉ supports the unique needs of highly specialized professionals who wear two hats as culinarians and educators through its online magazine, The Gold Medal Classroom, free digital resources such as CAFÉ Talks Podcast and Coffee with CAFÉ webinars, as well as national outreach events. For more information, visit their website: CafeMeetingPlace.com.