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College of the Ozarks hosts Character Camp for fall 2024 incoming class

Students enjoy the opportunity to form new friendships that will last throughout their time in college.

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — Incoming freshmen at College of the Ozarks experienced Character Camp, a week-long orientation, from Aug. 16-23.

Character Camp provides an intensive orientation to the College and outlines what is expected of students. The program is designed to develop character in students and provides new students with a built-in support system that helps them navigate their college experience.

During the week, 340 incoming students were placed into 28 groups called “families.” Each family was led by two upperclassmen who model the character expected of a C of O student. These “moms and pops” served as leaders and mentors to the “kids” in their families throughout the week.

“I am so blessed to have had the privilege to lead the next group of students on campus,” said junior public relations major, Madie Lewis. “Being a Character Camp mom has made a lasting impact on me and it is a week I will never forget.”

During Character Camp, students also participated in community service projects across campus, including scrubbing milk equipment at the dairy, tending to the gardens, and deep cleaning the new engineering building.

Character Camp also included activities such as special speakers, chapel services, “family” time, advisor time, an end-of-the-week banquet, and a challenge course where students learned the value of teamwork.

“I look at the effort our campus family puts into Character Camp, and I am so proud of what occurs,” said Ryan Knight, dean of students. “We provide some of the best orientation and community building in the nation. We have the opportunity to orient every new student with a powerful introduction to our five core values; stewarding faithfully, creating community, pursuing good, practicing hospitality, and showing gratitude!”

Throughout this coming semester, the “families” will reunite three different times to discuss progress, and the “moms and pops” will encourage the incoming students by walking alongside of them in this new chapter of life. One of these “family” reunions will involve another community service project.

The above press release is from the College of the Ozarks.

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