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College of the Ozarks Professor Dr. Lamae Koogler receives The Eugene Charles Wittick Teaching Excellence Award

Dr. Lamae Koogler, associate professor of hotel and restaurant management, received The Eugene Charles Wittick Teaching Excellence Award on May 10, 2024, at the 117th Commencement Ceremony at College of the Ozarks.

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — Dr. Lamae Koogler, associate professor of hotel and restaurant management, received The Eugene Charles Wittick Teaching Excellence Award on May 10, 2024, at the 117th Commencement Ceremony at College of the Ozarks.

The Eugene Charles Wittick Teaching Excellence Award honors those professors who have demonstrated outstanding teaching ability and who have had a major impact on the lives and careers of their students. Honorees have shown exceptional interest in their students, have set an example compatible with the goals of College of the Ozarks, and have attempted continually to improve their teaching.

Koogler has been a standout faculty member at the College for 10 years. She has an outstanding reputation as an excellent professor, as well as an expert in her field of hospitality management. She carries all the administrative responsibilities for her department and annually advises 50 to 60 students majoring in her department.

In the classroom, Koogler is known for her care and compassion for her students. She shows genuine interest in her students’ personal and professional lives and goes above and beyond what’s expected to help them succeed academically. Her student teaching evaluations are consistently strong, and she always maintains a graceful, cheerful attitude.

Koogler maintains relevancy in her field, ensuring that students are well-versed in current trends, techniques, and procedures in the hospitality industry. She helped lead departmental efforts to receive accreditation through the American Culinary Federation and sits on numerous professional boards within the hospitality industry.

“Lamae Koolger is the perfect example of a servant leader,” said Eric Bolger, vice president for academic affairs and provost. “She is at the College for students, and does everything in her power to help, encourage, and train them. She has a big impact on their lives.”

The above press release is from the College of the Ozarks.

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