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Community grants available from White River Electric Cooperative

BRANSON, Mo. — White River Valley Electric Cooperative (WRVEC) has announced $50,000 in grant money is available to organizations in the counties the co-op serves.

According to a press release from WRVEC, the grants are part of the “Plugged In” Community Enhancement Program. Funds, along with WRVEC volunteers, are intended for community-driven projects in Taney, Stone, Christian, Douglas and Ozark counties.

The program is designed to grow area economies and promote community revitalization, and grants are given to organizations with strong missions, proposals and track-records, the co-op said.

According to WRVEC, grant funds will be used for projects such as: 

  • Community gardens improvements
  • Arena improvements
  • Lighting updates
  • New welcome signs
  • Human trafficking awareness
  • Culinary program for kids

The full article is available at

(Story by Jessica Hammer,

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