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Controversial Ozark construction project denied by Board of Aldermen

Update: OZARK, Mo. – The bill that would have allowed a new building on the Ozark Square failed last night by one vote.

While some people are proud of their city leaders, others say it was a missed opportunity.

“I think there was some resistance to change that turned just short of hysteria in rejecting it,” said Alderman Bruce Galloway, who supported the bill.

It would have allowed the architecture firm Torgerson Design Partners to build in the empty spot on the square after a building collapsed in 2022.

The full update is available at

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Controversy is brewing in Ozark as plans to rebuild the square were denied.

At Monday night's meeting, city leaders decided to not allow an architecture firm to build on the empty lot where a building collapsed in 2022.

OzarksFirst spoke with two Ozark residents before the meeting today, and they said they do not want a new, modern-looking building in the downtown square, expressing concerns about parking as well.

One of the residents, who owns a business right next to the lot, says she still has questions about the plans.

“If we allow them to build something like that, we’re just pushing the historical parts away,” said Christine Vandiford, owner of 4 the Love of Crafts.

The full article is available at

(Stories by Carissa Codel,

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