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Creekside Community Center Opens

Photo courtesy City of Harrison

Several hundred people turnout for the official opening day of the Creekside Community Center.

Three years after voters approved a Sales Tax to allow for the refurbishing of the old school buildings in downtown Harrison, the city opened he doors on the center on Saturday with many taking advantage of the opportunities to use the indoor swimming pool and other amenities provided to members. 

Besides the services provided, the center will provide jobs for the community. Parks Director Chuck Eddington says during an interview on New Country 1029 that around 80 jobs are needed for the operation of the new center. 

More on the Grand Opening can be found on the City of Harrison and New Country 1029 Facebook Pages. 

Harrison Mayor Jerry Jackson visits with Lisa Johnson during Saturday's Live Radio Party from the Creekside Community Center Grand Opening. (Photo by Jim Johnson)

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