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Election Results: Taney County Sewer Tax Renewed, Merriam Woods Levy for Roads Passes

Taney County Voters give approval to two issues that were on the ballot Tuesday.

The Sewer Sales Tax, up for a third renewal, passes easily with just under 80% of the voters giving approval to continue the tax that funds sewer projects in the county. 

Voters in Merriam Woods also pass a temporary increase in the property tax to finance road improvements within the city. 

Unofficial results:
Sewer Sales Tax Renewal
Yes 1,518  79.27%
No     397  21.73%

Merriam Woods Property Tax Levy Increase for Roads
Yes 80  67.23%
No 39   33.77%

According to the information from the Taney County Clerk's Office, around 5% of Taney County Voters went to the polls for the Tuesday Election. 

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