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Eureka Springs Schools to Begin Year With Face Coverings/Mask Mandate

While the Arkansas State Law banning schools from imposing Face Covering and Mask requirements is on hold, one Lakes Area School District will begin the year with a mandate.

The Eureka Springs School District announces on a video on the District's Facebook Page that all staff and students will be required to wear a face covering or mask when the school year begins next week in light of the recent surge of the COVID-19 Virus and the Delta Variant. 

The announcement was made as part of a video featuring High School Principal David Gilmore, who says the decision was made by the School Board at their meeting the past Monday. Gilmore went over other procedures for the upcoming year with classes set to begin in the District next Monday. 

The complete video can be seen on the the school's Facebook Page.

The Arkansas State Legislature in the spring passed a law prohibiting entities like School Districts from putting mask requirements in place with a Judge putting an injunction on that law after Legislators did not rescind the law during last week's Special Legislative Session. 

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