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Fatality Boat Incident Among Those Worked By MSHP So Far This Weekend

The Missouri State Highway Patrol has worked several accidents since Friday including a Fatality Accident on Table Rock Lake.

The patrol reports that accident took place on Friday afternoon around 4:00 when two personal watercraft collided near Little Indian Point 5. A 14-year-old female from St. Louis was seriously injured and taken to Mercy Hospital in Springfield where she later died. The other watercraft was driven by a 15-year-old make teenager from St. Louis who was not reported as injured. No names have been released in the report. This is the seventh boating fatality reported in accidents worked by Troop D of the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2021. 

Meanwhile, Troopers on the roads have worked four accidents in the Lakes Region since Friday, the most serious being a single vehicle crash on Buffalo Ridge Road near Hollister Friday morning as a car driven 44-year-old Donald Rooks of Hollister travelled off the road and struck a tree. Rooks was taken to Mercy in Branson for treatment of his serious injuries. 

The three other accidents worked by Troopers were all in Stone County and resulted in minor to moderate injuries. Two were in the Reeds Spring area Friday morning and early Saturday morning while a third crash took place on Trace Hollow Road west of Lampe Saturday evening. 

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