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Fish Habitat Improvement Project on Table Rock Lake

AGFC Fish Habitat File Photo

A lake which crosses state boundaries is getting help with a fish habitat from both states.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the Missouri Department of Conservation have teamed-up to create the habitat on the Long Creek/Cricket Creek arm of Table Rock Lake in Arkansas according to a release posted by KTLO. Biologists from both agencies began a project to replenish the existing fish attractors and create new brush piles. Nine of the eighteen piles have been refreshed, and another four new piles have been established with the project expected to be completed this month according to the release.

A similar project was undertaken on Norfork Lake in Arkansas and was a joint effort from the AGFC and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Brush pile coordinates for both projects will soon be available for download on the AGFC Fish Attractors page or for viewing on the AGFC online interactive map.

The complete release is posted on the KTLO Website.

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