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Fly Fishing Expo in Branson This Weekend

The Missouri Trout Fishermen’s Association is hosting its fourth annual Fly-Fishing expo in Branson.

Paula McNeary, a member of the River Run Women’s Fly Fishing group, says that many women are already fly fishing, but she wants to encourage more to join. “I think there’s more women out there fly fishing than you know. It’s well over a hundred and maybe even higher than that.”

Vendors and fly fishing experts will be at the Lions Community Building from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

According to the expo director, Ron Leggins, a kid’s fly tying event will be held on Saturday morning.

The event is a good way for fishermen and fisherwomen to learn new skills and polish their techniques.

“People often ask why you join. Well, you know, even though I’d been fly fishing for years, I knew I had a lot of holes, so to speak, in my education and, I thought this would be a great place to learn a little bit more,” says fly fisherman John Muckerman.

The video feature of this story can be seen on the Ozarks First Website.

(Story by Jacob Blount and Emilee Kuschel, Ozarks First)

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