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Forsyth Voters Consider Use Tax

Voters in Forsyth will have a chance to decide on an issue that has faced other voters over the last several years.

The city is asking voters to allow them to collect a use tax on online purchases made by Forsyth residents from companies out of state. Several communities have considered this issue with several having passed it but others, including Forsyth several years ago, not passing it.

Forsyth Mayor Missi Hesketh, during and interview on KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program, emphasized  that this tax is not an additional tax for people making purchase at locations in Forsyth, but strictly for the internet sales in which Missouri is already collecting their sales tax from. Hesketh added that the percentage charged on the internet purchases is the same in the city which is 2.25%, 

More on the issue with the full interview from Hesketh and Forsyth Police Chief Pat Gray from Ozarks Now can be heard below:


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