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Governor Parson signs bill requiring consent for exams from patients under anesthesia

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — On Friday, July 7, Governor Parson signed Senate Bill 106 into law, in part requiring healthcare providers to acquire consent for medical exams while the patient is unconscious or under anesthesia.

Under this new law, healthcare providers and students under a healthcare provider’s supervision will not be allowed to perform medical examinations, defined as a prostate, anal, or pelvic examination, on unconscious or anesthetized patients except in a few specific circumstances.

As explained in Senate Bill 106, section 191.240, these circumstances include:

  • If the patient or person authorized to make health care decisions for the patient gives specific informed consent for nonmedical purposes.
  • If the patient examination is necessary for diagnostic or treatment purposes.
  • If the collection of evidence through a forensic examination for a suspected sexual assault is necessary because the evidence will be lost or the patient is unable to give informed consent due to a medical condition.
  • If emergency-implied consent, as described in the act, is present. A healthcare provider shall notify a patient of any such examination performed.

The full article is available at

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