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Governor Parson Signs SB 718, Five Other Bills Into Law

Governor Parson recently signed several bills into law on Thursday; the press release below provides more information.

Thursday, during a signing ceremony at the State Capitol, Governor Mike Parson signed six pieces of legislation into law, including Senate Bill (SB) 718, which establishes Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Week and promotes career and technical education, among other provisions.

"We are happy to be joined by Senator Washington and Representative Shields to sign SB 718 into law," Governor Parson said. "Missourians are proud that our state is home to two Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and this legislation will help bring awareness and deserving recognition to these institutions. Additionally, this bill helps us move forward with our workforce development goals to ensure Missouri has a skilled and capable labor force."

SB 718 - Designates HBCU Week and modifies provision regarding higher education:

Designates the third week of September as HBCU week to raise awareness of HBCUs in Missouri. This legislation also allows the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development to assist students with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act application process, promoting career and technical education in Missouri. 

Additionally, SB 718 makes several other modifications to state statute:

  • Creates a $3,000 maximum tax credit for physicians who provide preceptorship training to medical students;
  • Establishes the "Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment Scholarship Act" and provides qualifying students a scholarship equal to the tuition and fees paid for dual enrollment courses;
  • Requires Missouri high schools to offer a minimum of one computer science course to students;
  • Allows postsecondary institutions and associated employees to assist with opportunities for student-athletes to earn compensation for their name, image, and likeness; 
  • Creates the Workforce Diploma Program to help adults obtain a high school diploma;
  • Requires Missouri K-12 and public higher education institutions to post the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number on student ID cards;
  • Requires Missouri public higher education institutions to grant course credit to any student who scores a three or higher on an advanced placement examination; and
  • Provides bankruptcy protections for Missouri 529 college savings plans.

"What began as a bill to bring more awareness and attention to our two HBCUs has grown into a more impactful piece of legislation that will improve all of higher education," State Senator Barbara Washington said. "I'm proud to carry legislation that will make NILs easier for our athletes; that will provide more dual credit opportunities; and create the workforce diploma program for our high school graduates. I want to thank the Governor, Rep. Brenda Shields, and Rep. Kurtis Gregory for pulling this bill through."

“Provisions in this bill show the ongoing commitment of our medical professionals to ensure a healthy future for all Missourians," State Representative Brenda Shields said. "The preceptor tax credit is funded by physicians to help train tomorrow’s physicians."

SB 799 -  Modifies the offense of escaping from custody:

Adds to the offense of escaping from custody individuals who are held for parole or probation violations. 

HB 2162 - Opioid addiction treatment:

  • Allows the Department of Health and Senior Services Director to issue a standing order for Naltrexone; and
  • Allows the Department of Corrections and Judiciary to use the Opioid Addiction Fund if appropriated by the General Assembly. 

SB 725 - Modifies provision relating to ground ambulance services:

  • Prohibits a newly elected ambulance board member from running for reelection if they do not attend ambulance board member training; and
  • Modifies the Ground Ambulance Reimbursement Allowance to allow ambulance districts to maintain up to $10 million in provider tax funding coming into the state.

HB 1472 - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of money laundering:

Changes state money laundering statute to account for new technologies, including cryptocurrencies. This will also give prosecutors more tools to combat human trafficking in the state. 

SB 655 - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System:

Allows political subdivisions to elect to cover emergency telecommunications, jailors, and Emergency Management Services employees under the LAGERS retirement system. 

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