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Gretna Road in Branson Reopens a Day Early

Gretna Road, which was rescheduled to reopen on Friday after road and sidewalk repairs, opens a day early.

The full release from the city is below:

As of 9:00 a.m. Thursday morning, the Gretna Road reconstruction is complete, road crews have removed the barricades and Gretna Rd is open to all traffic one day ahead of the expected July 1 completion date.

This road closed to through traffic May 31 as a result of a substantial 12-inch water main break at Gretna Road and N. Wildwood Dr. that occurred on April 29, 2022. The water main break caused extensive damage to the road.

This project was one of the biggest road reconstructions for the City of Branson to date. It was several hundred feet of roadway with 2,262 tons of asphalt. 

“Thank you to our community for your patience with this major undertaking, as your tax dollars went to work. We know how inconvenient it was to close this major arterial roadway. Our entire Public Works and Engineering Department staff and the contractors, Blevins Asphalt and A.T. Urban Development, all worked hard to get a lot of work done in the shortest amount of time possible. Getting that amount of work done with the scope and size of the project in that amount of time is incredible,” said Public Works and Engineering Director, Keith Francis.

While city crews immediately performed what repairs they could with the resources available after the initial water main break, upon a thorough investigation of the damages, the repairs needed included road repair and replacement as well as sidewalk, curb and gutter repairs.

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