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Harrison Kitten Born with Two Heads

Photo courtesy KTLO, KYTV, and KSPR

A pet owner in Harrison has a unique situation thanks to a rare genetic mutation in a recently born kitten.

The details below in a story posted by KTLO with information provided by KY-3:

A cat in Harrison recently gave birth to kittens, and one was reportedly born with two heads. The second kitten born from the litter is known as a Janus cat — one with a rare genetic mutation caused by excess protein production while in the womb.

The owner, Ariel Contreras, told KYTV/KSPR the kitten’s name is Harvey, named after the fictional villain in the Batman series with two distinct faces.

Janus cats historically have a low survival rate. Many are reportedly unable to live past the first 12 hours. However, Harvey appears to be defying the odds. He was born Wednesday and is showing all signs of a healthy newborn kitten.

Anyone with information on facilities tending to animals with special genetic mutations is asked to contact the owner at 870-715-9280.

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