Visitation and taxes are performing well, according to the First Quarter Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau Report.
Ashlie Beede presented the information at the Tuesday night Branson Board of Aldermen meeting. Visitation in Branson hasn't experienced a massive change compared to last year's numbers. It's down just .4%. In contrast, the city's sales tax is up by 4%.
She pointed out that the tourism tax experienced a drop of 3.1%. However, Beede isn't alarmed since visitation numbers are good. Overnight stays in Branson are active.
Room demand for the quarter enjoyed a 6.8% increase. Beede also spotlit the city's visitors.
She explained that Branson's first quarter has that 23% of visitors are first timers. "That's really exciting since that encompasses January, February [and] March," Beede said.