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Hollister Band Heads to National Competition

Photo Courtesy Hollister School District

The Hollister High School Tiger Band has qualified for a National Competition next week.

In October,  58 high school bands from multiple states traveled to St. Louis to compete in the Bands of America (BOA) Super Regional Championship.

Receiving their highest score in program history at a BOA Regional Competition, the Hollister High School Tiger Band took 3rd place in Class 1A and is currently the 8th highest scoring 1A band in the country for all BOA Regionals.

The HHS band will travel to Indianapolis on November 11 to compete in their last competition of the fall season, the Bands of America Grand National Championships.

The band will perform their show, “Royal” on November 9 at 8:00 PM at the Hollister High School Stadium.  Admission is free and the public is invited to attend.

(Hollister High School  Press Release)

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