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Hollister School District Launches Resource Site Funded by Skaggs Foundation Grant

Photo courtesy Skaggs Foundation

The Skaggs Foundation helps an area school district with a new resource to help students and their families.

The full release from the Skaggs Foundation is below:

When Hollister Middle School Counselor Sandy Brown couldn’t find an online searchable database of local resources she could use to help families in her district, she decided she’d take on the project herself. Just six months after receiving funding from Skaggs Foundation, the website went live.
“The Resources to the Rescue website stems from counselors, social workers, and other staff dreaming of an updated and maintained resource hub for our community,” Brown explained. “Many community members would begin looking for resources and the roadblocks were too overwhelming for them to continue their search. This lead to community members finding themselves in crisis.” 

Oftentimes, in crisis mode, is when they’d turn to counselors like Brown for help. It was then that Brown could spend hours trying to find families help with everything from electric bills and rent to car repairs. Brown knew there had to be a better way, but it was going to take a lot of work. 

In the spring of 2021, she presented the idea of a searchable resource website to Skaggs Foundation. The idea quickly evolved from helping just Hollister families to creating a database to help families and individuals throughout Stone and Taney counties. In late 2021, Brown was awarded a three-year, $40,000 Skaggs Legacy Endowment grant to create  

With the help of a social work intern and Hollister School District’s counseling team, the information was collected and the website built this past school year. The site went live in late May. Now, Brown and her team are focused on maintaining and keeping the site up-to-date all with a goal of helping families find the assistance they need before they reach crisis mode. 

“Not only do we want to provide resources, but we also want to empower our community members to obtain these resources before they reach crisis mode,” she said. “Our hope and mission is that the Resources to the Rescue website will serve as a tool for not only the community but for organizations, agencies, service providers, schools, religious organizations, hospitals and more.” 

Ozark Mountain Country Cares Communications Director Susan Flores said they are grateful that Hollister School District stepped up to take on such an important project that benefits both Stone and Taney counties. 

"Everyone in our community will be able to benefit tremendously from Resources to the Rescue,” Flores said. “For the family needing assistance, it will be a great place to start to access resources they need.” 

She said the site will not only be a great resource for families, but also help local entities understand what other organizations are doing in the community and make referrals. The site is user friendly, easy to navigate and has an online form for organizations to be able quickly and easily update their information. 

“Thank you, Hollister Schools, for initiating this much needed resource,” said Flores. 

To learn more about the Resources to the Rescue project, visit To learn more about Skaggs Foundation and Skaggs Legacy Endowment grant opportunities, visit


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