Hollister has an online building permit platform, according to a Sept. 22 post on the Hollister, Missouri government's Facebook Page.
The full post is available below:
"The City of Hollister’s Building Department is excited to announce the release of our Online Building Permit Platform. Customers will have the option to complete their Commercial or Residential Building Permit Application or their Sign Permit Application online. Additional applications are available on the website to download with the ability to submit by email. Check out the new portal at https://tinyurl.com/2p8kr86f . Owners, Tenants, and Contractors will also be able to schedule inspections on the calendar at a time which is convenient for them, or they may still call to schedule an inspection with our team. If you prefer to come to the Building Department for one-on-one assistance, we are still available to serve you. The new Online Building Department Program is just another option for our Hollister residents and businesses to complete their permits. Contact our Building Department for more details, 417-337-9756."
This was originally posted on the Hollister, Missouri government's Facebook Page.