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Hudson Pushes Bills for Group's, Victim's Rights

Lakes Area State Senator Brad Hudson presents a pair of bills making their way though the legislature.

According to a release from the senator's office, Hudson presented SB 160 that is designed to protect student groups in institutes of higher education from actions by the school's administrations that would limit them based on their beliefs. Hudson says in the release that the law does not protect them from violations of state or federal laws but protects their first amendment rights. 

The other bill presented is an amendment to another bill which basically puts a proposal known as Trey's Law in front of senators. This bill, similar to legislation being moved through the House by Lakes Ares Representative Brian Seitz, is designed to limit the impact of non-disclosure agreements have on preventing child abuse and crime victims from telling their stories. 

More information on this legislation can be found from a recap on the Branson Tri-Lakes News Website.



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